Friday, October 19, 2012

Rio Zagate

Luke and I have tried to make it a point to go out on the weekends and make sure we experience Honduras as this is our last year here.  One of our favorite past times has been going to all the amazing rivers here and swimming in the nice cool water.

A couple weekends ago, one of our teacher friends posted some photos of her and her family going on a hike that I had not heard of and was very intrigued.  We inquired about it and she told us the hike was great but it can be tricky to find as you have to drive through a Dole pinapple field, find a house and then get to the trail head.  Well, the other weekend Luke and I were feeling lucky and decided to strap Owen in his backpack and try to find this awesome hike.

We drove around for a little while before we decided to stop and ask some workers on the road if they knew which unmarked road we should drive down to find this 'house'.  Well, we were lucky to find that they were working on the road that we were supposed to turn on!  We headed down past millions of pinapple plants and finally made it to the house.

We paid 5 dollars and proceeded to drive into the park.  We parked and strapped Owen in and set off on a hike to find a waterfall on this river with no water or camera aside from our phones.  Maybe not the smartest but oh well.

We hiked for about an hour and a half on really well maintained trails (for Honduras).  It was so pretty and we heard lots of birds and saw lots of fun frogs and lizards.  Luke reminded me that I couldn't chase after them like I normally do because I did have Owen strapped to my back.  Oh well.

We ended at a fantastic waterfall that was really breathtaking.  We, of course, were the only ones there and hopped in for a swim (taking turns of course so Owen wouldn't be left alone).  He also really enjoyed himself as he laid on the rocks and felt the cool water mist his face.  We stayed there for probably 30 or 40 minutes before deciding we shouldn't press our luck with O and head back.

When we got to the bottom we checked out the other waterfall and swimming hole.  Owen had fallen asleep and we were able to bring the car seat with him in it and swim at the same time.  We still managed to be the only people at this amazing spot and quickly plotted coming back with food, friends and most importatantly, water.

Overall it was a great day and we can't wait to go back!

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