Friday, July 27, 2012

Martin Family Holiday

Since the arrival of Baby O we have been really lucky to have lots of visitors - and most recently, Yaya and Bear came down to visit.

We had a great time and spent the first half of their visit in La Ceiba.  Yaya and Bear had a great time with Owen and he had a lot of fun with them.  Owen's new favorite sleeping spot was on Bear's tummy and he let us know it.  :)  Yaya was also very excited about his red hair and had a lot of fun talking and reading to baby O.

After a couple nights in Ceiba - we headed to Roatan and had a great time exploring the island with Yaya and Bear.  Luke was able to convince them to go snorkeling and they handled it like a champ.  We also had a lot of fun just hanging out and drinking wine while looking at the tropical waters.  Not a bad life.

For my upcoming birthday, they were super sweet and bought Luke and I a package to swim with the dolphins.  We spent half and hour with a trainer and a dolphin and got to watch them do tricks and pet them.  Our dolphin's name was Bailey and was very playful.  It was fun to pet her and watch her swim around. 

The second half of the tour was snorkeling with about 20 dolphins in the enclosure.  It was really fun but the only thing that we wish we could have improved was the visibility.  You would swim around and them all the sudden have three dolphins underneath you.  It was amazing to see what powerful swimmers they are and cool to see them swim around with each other.  

Sadly, Yaya and Bear had to leave almost as soon as they got here but it was a great holiday!  We can't wait to see them at Christmas time!

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