Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rainy Season Has Officially Started

Well friends - rainy season has officially started here in Honduras.  This morning it began raining at 8 in the morning and has continued on into the night.  This morning, Luke was brave and ventured out into the rain to go to the mall since we were in desperate need to some TP.  Yes - TP.  Seeing as this was a necessity my brave hubby went out and conquered.  Although on the way back he had to drive on the sidewalk versus the road because it was so flooded.

Maybe I should preface with the fact that out neighborhood (El Sauce) tends to flood.  Before moving in to our house, we made sure to ask our land lady that the place did not flood.  She assured us it didn't and we have had faith in her since.  Today - I almost doubted her.

When Luke returned from the Mega Mart, the water was past the gate and slowly creeping towards our patio. I nervously watched as I slowly walked around the house and lifted all of the electronic cords and wires off the floor.  Luke then decided he wanted to see how deep the water went and proceeded to wade, yes wade, into the middle of the road.  Tofu would have none of it and went to save her dad.  Wan Tzu sat with me and watched.

Tofu made it just the gate before she had to start swimming to get to Luke.  It was maybe one of the cutest things I have ever seen.  She isn't much of a water dog but seemed to like being out there with Luke playing.

It is now 8:24 and the street is clear of water.  It is really hard to believe that only 5 hours ago there was so much water that it was going to the top of my rain boots (thanks for those mom!)  Anyway - here are some photos of the adventure!

Luke and Tofu 

Wan Tzu was with mom in staying dry 

About an hour later and the sidewalk, road and cement part in our driveway were all under water

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